Publicize Jiu Jitsu

By Joseph

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I began practicing jiu-jitsu this year, and it has been quite the peculiar journey.

I didn't anticipate the steep cost of joining a jiu-jitsu gym.

Having previously boxed, I assumed jiu-jitsu would be less taxing on the body, but I quickly learned otherwise.

One challenge I encountered was my struggle to retain the techniques demonstrated by the coach during class. Despite practicing with my partner afterward, I found it difficult to recall the moves.

This struggle mirrors my experience with dancing. While I can easily follow the instructor's steps in class, I struggle to remember them when dancing with a partner.

Faced with these challenges, I began contemplating methods to enhance my learning.

Training Methods

There are two primary approaches to learning: proactive and reactive.

Most individuals are accustomed to reactive learning, which involves attending class and following the instructor's guidance. However, proactive learning tends to be more effective.

After three months of training, I initiated outdoor jiu-jitsu sessions. I believe teaching is the fastest route to learning.

While I may not be the instructor, organizing these sessions requires me to understand and demonstrate the techniques to participants.

During our outdoor practices, we primarily adopt an ecological approach to learning the techniques. By incorporating mini-goals within games, participants are relieved of the pressure to memorize specific moves; instead, they focus on achieving these objectives.

As a beginner, I've discovered that grasping the underlying concepts is more beneficial than memorizing individual moves.

Outdoor Sports

Another reason for transitioning to outdoor jiu-jitsu sessions is my belief that jiu-jitsu is fundamentally about community.

You can have the most state-of-the-art gym, but without dedicated practitioners, it will remain empty.

Given the nature of jiu-jitsu, it's challenging for outsiders to witness the sport firsthand. Imagine having to pay hefty fees and restricting participation to specific locations.

In my opinion, organizing outdoor jiu-jitsu sessions can help promote the sport to a wider audience.

The reason basketball enjoys such widespread popularity is due to the accessibility of basketball courts. Similarly, for jiu-jitsu, all you need is a training partner. With grass, you don't even require mats.

While there are limitations to training on grass, it encourages a focus on technique over strength.

Social Engagement vs. Competition

The more sports I engage in, the more I appreciate the social aspect of each activity.

Sometimes, individuals simply need someone to hold them accountable.

During my eight-year journey with tennis, I only had a coach for six months. Subsequently, I played with friends or organized matches with strangers.

The same principle applies to jiu-jitsu.

Recognizing that I'll be committed to jiu-jitsu for the foreseeable future, I aim to find enjoyment in the sport. Instead of driving half an hour to a jiu-jitsu gym, I can simply walk to the park and train with friends.

With numerous picturesque parks in the city, I'm confident we can utilize these spaces for jiu-jitsu training.

Just as tennis can be played on different surfaces, there should be diversity in jiu-jitsu training environments.

By hosting public park jiu-jitsu sessions, we can attract more individuals to the sport.

What are your thoughts on promoting hobbies or sports? Share your opinions in the comments below.